Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Improve at Basketball Shooting [article from Articleranks]

Improve at Basketball Shooting

Many factors make up the game of basketball but the mo important one is shooting. Because you need to make shots from various angles in different situations, shooting is actually several skills, not just one. Being able to shoot effectively from any position on the court is very important, as the best players know. Use the following tips to help you improve your shooting skills.

Follow through is a key concept when it comes to shooting in basketball. If you watch great pool players, golf players, home run hitters in baseball, or great shooters in basketball, they all know how to follow through. As with shooting a basketball, in all these sports the player has to combine focus, momentum and aim. Whenever you shoot, whether during a game or when practicing, pay careful attention to your technique and even exaggerate the follow through. Take your time when practicing, keeping your shooting arm (or arms) held in place for a moment after the shot. Some coaches advise players to use the "wave," which gives you follow through by having your hand push slightly downwards on the ball to ensure it moves in a circular motion.

Free throws, also called foul shots, are something everyone needs to practice. Some consider these shots to be the purest form of shooting, since it is just your and the ball, with no one guarding you. In theory, this should make them easier but many players have problems with them due to nerves and problems focusing. So try to relax as much as possible and focus on a spot above the rim. Follow through on the shot and try to make the ball travel in an arc rather than a straight line.

The good thing about free throws is you can practice them anytime you're on a court.

Shooting a basketball involves your whole body and the position of your hands and arms is especially important. Using your fingertips is important because that is what gives you control of the ball. You won't have much control if you mainly use your palms, making it difficult to shoot accurately. You also need to keep your arm as straight as possible, with your elbow under the ball. If your elbow sticks out to the side even a little, this will distort your shot and the ball can veer in the wrong direction. Shoot the ball in as fluid a motion as possible, using your fingertips, arm, and elbow as a single unit. As this article says, shooting consists of a lot of things that are both physical and mental. As you get more experience, you will get a feel for what shots should be taken. When playing the game, think about your current shots and not the missed ones in the past. These concepts will help you while you are trying to improve your shooting abilities.This information was brought to you by, your source for all things related on vertical window air conditioner.

tags:vertical window air conditioner,basketball shooting,basketball shooting tips,basketball shooting 3 suggestions,basketball shooting 3 tips,basketball shooting skills,basketball shooting techniques,basketball shooting strategies

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