Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

What to do when you reach your goal weight [article from Articleranks]

What to do when you reach your goal weight

If you stick to your weight loss program and get the results you were aiming for then there is no better feeling than stepping onto the scales for the final time and seeing your ideal weight showing on them, but where do you go from there? Unfortunately then a lot of people fall off the rails a bit as they have nothing to aim for and think they don't need to put much effort in as they have already reached their goal, so they will start to eat the foods they did before they lost weight.

Yet even though goals do motivate you, then it probably is not a good idea to give yourself another, lower, weight loss goal, as that could make you lose too much weight and mess with your head. So to keep yourself motivated without causing any issues then first of all take some time out to reward yourself for all the hard work you put into reaching your target weight, and then think about a goal you can make in another area of your life. Something that you feel you can do now that you have reached your new weight.

For instance it might be to run a marathon, that is something that a lot of people would not even consider when they are overweight, but it might be something you could aim for then. Every good goal needs a date, so when you are ready then sit down and write out the steps you are going to need to take, what the end goal is, and when you plan to achieve it by.

Now all of a sudden you are not lost and wondering 'what next?', instead you are pumped up and motivated to get working on your next goal, and that gets you to stay focused on improving yourself, so you don't go back to sitting eating whole tubs of ice cream while watching movies. A goal related to getting fit is especially beneficial as often people who diet don't exercise at the same time as that is too much to think about, but being fit gives lots of health benefits so you know you should be exercising. When you improve your fitness then you do more than just gain the ability to run long distances or work hard without getting out of breath, you also strengthen your body, not just the muscles in your legs either, but the ones in your heart, and it clears toxins out of your body.

You don't have to have a boring goal either, maybe your goal can be to take up some cool activity like mountain climbing and get really good at it, or learn how to control a kayak and then going on a long trip with a club etc. You have the determination to anything, reaching your target weight proves that, so go out and do whatever activity sounds fun to you!

If you are struggling to find a diet which can get you to your target weight then one of the most popular systems on the market at the moment is The Fat Burning Furnace which you might want to consider.

tags:weight loss,Dieting,goals,goal setting

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