Senin, 04 Juli 2011

How To Create Terrific Google AdWords Ad Copy [article from Articleranks]

How To Create Terrific Google AdWords Ad Copy

As a PPC, pay-per-click, advertising model, Google Adwords thus far is the standard when it comes to success and visibility. If we had to choose one thing to be able to do well when it came to advertising, that one thing would be writing excellent advertising copy. The remainder of this article speaks directly about 3 proven and effective tips to get you started with writing Adwords ad copy that will boost your conversion rates.

Do not ever take the long way around the barn when it comes to crafting ad copy. There is not enough space to mess around, and that is why you must get to the point quickly and clearly. You only have 35 characters in the main ad space, and only 25 for the title; and Google considers a space as a character. Never mince any words with your PPC ads; no wasted words; all words must count. Who knows how much time you really have, but we're betting it's about 2, maybe 3 seconds tops for your ad to work it's magic. If you think that's bad, just imagine being anywhere but on page one. Now that's depressing. If you want to add another filtering element to your ads, then be bold and insert your price point in the ad. This can be actually a good thing to test because you will be potentially not only increasing your CTR, but people who do click through may be open to your price point. While a great CTR is great... we'd rather go with a slightly lower one but the final offer converts better. See?

Use as much of your ad as you can, and that includes the URL you display as there are ways to do that. But for whatever reason not every PPC marketer takes full advantage of the display URL. But did you know that it's true about your display URL affecting click throughs? As long as there is a match with the domain and destination URL, then you can do more with it. This is an old, but still effective, trick; and what you'll do is make the file extension the keywords you want to use.

Keep this in mind, you want to make a great first impression, and that is why it's important to have your ad looking great. You do not want to have a low click-through rate (CTR) just because you misspelled a word and people think you're no good. Never allow this to happen because it's easy to avoid, and it will only decrease your CTR's. Look off the first page for mistakes in ads, and that is part of the reason they are not on the first page. You can split test ads as much as you want, and you should, but never screw around in the ad copy. The purpose of your headline is to get the ad read, so it needs to stop people cold and make them read. The headline and body copy all work as one and must create a great impression on the reader. It's a fact that the first letter in each word of the headline will get read more than if they are not capitalized. Success with Adwords is not impossible, and the key is knowing how to create small ads that convert. It's not hard at all do write great classified ads (PPC) ads, and you will discover that if you don't give up.This information was brought to you by, your source for all things related on romantic getaways in California.

tags:romantic getaways in California,google adwords,google adwords ads,writing google adwords ads strategy,google adwords tips

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