Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Traditional Way to Treat Periodontal Disease [article from Articleranks]

Traditional Way to Treat Periodontal Disease

Nowadays, the figures for individuals especially adults suffering from gum disease is staggering. About 70% of people over the age of 35 are afflicted with gum disease or periodontal disease. Looking at the figure will allow you to wonder why it takes too long for people to notice they have acquired the disease. This is because; people become aware they have the disease until it is already too late. Most of them are not in the habit of visiting their dental professional required for their regular dental checkup, hence were uninformed that they are already suffering from the disease.

There is no quick and easy process on how to treat the periodontal disease. For those who are already experiencing the painful symptoms, it is best to visit a dental professional who is qualified and trained to provide the proper recommendations in the treatment of the disease. Before it gets too late, book an appointment with your dentist now to be able to obtain the proper diagnosis and choose the best option for the treatment.

When caught early enough, there are remedies for periodontal disease that can be utilized to prevent inflammation and reduce the chances of receding gums leading to tooth loss. Vitamin C is an antioxidant which is good for healing as this is used for any type of infection in the body. Vitamin D activated by exposure under the sun is the best natural source since it is free and can reduce bleeding gums dramatically, Tea tree oil gel works in cases of severe gingivitis as it reduces the amount of bleeding from the gums while fighting the symptoms of the disease. Cranberry juice keeps bacteria from adhering to the teeth preventing the buildup of plaque and is kept to a minimum. A good oral balm containing natural ingredients like silver fir, oak, chamomile, pine tree carotene extract, nettle, yarrow, and Saint John's Wort kills bacteria that cause periodontal disease which helps to heal periodontal disease.

In severe cases of gingivitis, gargling with peppermint and clove oil; and sodium bicarbonate mixture on the gums will reduce swelling. Green tea is also proven to decrease the swelling of the gums and reduce the discomfort felt when one has gum disease. Ginger root is a natural remedy that helps neutralize the acid in the mouth while mixing cinnamon with water and rinsing the mouth is considered an effective pain killer, while at the same time kill bacteria that caused the gum disease.

Bear in mind never to neglect the signs and symptoms of gum disease by booking an appointment with your dentist as soon as these are already detected.

tags:heal periodontal disease,how to treat periodontal disease,remedies for periodontal disease

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